Arkansas Better Dad Challenge

The Arkansas Better Dad Challenge is a commitment to be a better dad every year of your life. Whether you are a custodial or non-custodial dad, whether or not your kids are young or old, you commit to being a better father to your children.

This challenge focuses on 10 core commitments you make to yourself and your family. Join the hundreds of men in Arkansas who’ve already answered the challenge of being a better dad.

Arkansas Better Dad Challenge

I commit to:

  1. Champion my child and his or her dreams by being their biggest encourager.

  2. Be a positive role model by living a life of integrity.

  3. Be active and involved in my child’s life.

  4. Love my child unconditionally.

  5. Teach self-control through appropriate, grace-based discipline.

  6. Show my child my love through words and actions.

  7. Take responsibility for my mistakes, and, when necessary, ask for my child’s forgiveness.

  8. Lead my family spiritually.

  9. Stay involved in my child’s life no matter how old I am.

  10. Challenge my child to grow in all areas of life.

Download the ABD Challenge